Filter Press for Mud
Standard: API (American Petroleum Institute)
Determine filteration behavior of the Mud and Cement slurries
API Filter Press for Mud (Low Pressure and Low Temparature, LPLT) is the most effective means of determining the filteration properties of drilling muds and cement slurries. Measuring filteration behaviour and wall-cake building characteristic of a mud is essential to drilling fluid control and treatment. The filtration rate is the fluid loss measured in milliliters at ambient temperature and 100 psi (690 kPa) through a special filter paper for 30 minutes. Suitable for field and laboratory use, these units have become the industry standard for low pressure/low temperature filtration testing as specified in the American Petroleum Institute, API recommended practice 13B-1 and 13B-2.
This item consists of a mud resevoir mounted in a frame,a pressure source,a filtering medium, and a graduated cylinder for receiving and measuring filtrate. The basic unit has a cell assembly conctructed of rustproof anodized aluminum and chrome plare brass and includes the required screen and gaskets.